Provable Fairness

The goal of these measures is to ensure that the collection maintains its integrity and allow you to prove that the ordered collection remains unadulterated.

The Shuffle

Each CREYZIES image is firstly hashed using SHA-256 algorithm.

The order of all 10,021 assets are programmatically shuffled on our end. The metadata shuffle seed is 1801721625.

A combined string is obtained by concatenating SHA-256 of each CREYZIES image in the specific order of this shuffle. The final proof is obtained by SHA-256 hashing this combined string. This is the final provenance record stored on the smart contract before the airdrop starts.

The provenance hash is 3307bc0bd06029bba4a826856f2e19db62d6df5b7f70d447fa5262117256c46c.

The Cut

A snapshot of mfers token holders was taken on 4/19/22 at 11:30pm ET. The list of wallet addresses are programmatically partitioned to optimize the airdrop batch sizes. Token IDs are airdropped in sequential numerical order starting at the top of the list.

In order to ensure provable fairness of the metadata to this point, we will follow the subsequent steps.

Each CREYZIES token ID is assigned to an artwork image/metadata file from the initial sequence based on the offset of this starting index.

  1. On 4/19/22 at approximately 11:45pm ET, we'll deploy the airdrop smart contract. Shortly after, we will commit the provenance hash to the blockchain via a smart contract function call. From there, we will go to to get the block number in which the provenance hash was committed to the blockchain.

    The block number is 14619623

    Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 8.57.05 PM.png

  2. We'll then go to to generate 1 random number using the etherscan block number as the random seed.

    The random number is 05048

    Screen Shot 2022-04-19 at 8.58.45 PM.png

  3. We will use that random number as the starting index to offset where the metadata begins being served from.

The starting index seed is 05048