The goal of these measures is to ensure that the collection maintains its integrity and allow you to prove that the ordered collection remains unadulterated.
Each Crypto Trading Cards (1880-1979) image is firstly hashed using SHA-256 algorithm.
The order of all 837 assets are programmatically shuffled on our end. The metadata shuffle seed is 1654181756
A combined string is obtained by concatenating SHA-256 of each Crypto Trading Cards (1880-1979) image in the specific order of this shuffle. The final proof is obtained by SHA-256 hashing this combined string. This is the final provenance record stored on the smart contract before the allowlist claim starts.
The provenance hash is: 9aecf468dc541d1652572d754ec4d34c2a6ecbea8ff2820b503f74ae542174e8
The provenance hash was committed to the blockchain for posterity in the following transaction:
With the metadata shuffled in a provably fair manner, we run the allowlist snapshot claim and serve instantly revealed metadata upon mint.
At the conclusion of both phases and once the collection is sold out, we will pin the revealed metadata to IPFS for permanence and update the baseURI on the smart contract to the IPFS directory.